Failed IVF

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is the infertility treatment. In this procedure, the woman’s egg and a man’s sperm will be joined in a laboratory dish. It is a form of assisted reproductive technology. This is a procedure where special medical techniques are used to help a woman conceive. There are five steps in this treatment:

  • Stimulation/ Super Ovulation
  • Egg Retrieval
  • Insemination and Fertilization
  • Embryo Culture
  • Embryo Transfer

IVF failure is one of the most common threat that infertility faces. IVF failure may be due to implantation failure. In such cases, the embryos consistently fail to implant. There are several factors which causes the failure of in vitro fertilization. There can be some unexplained reasons too. The main causes for IVF failures are:

  • The number of embryos are less
  • Poor endometrial lining
  • Very high Estrogen levels
  • Too low or too high placement of embryos
  • Poor sperm/embryo/egg quality etc.

The age of female partner can also be a reason for frequent IVF failures. Repeated IVF failure can be due to other causes. It may include:

Difficult Embryo Transfer: In some cases, technical difficulties in embryo transfer can cause the IVF to become a failure. It may be because of acute angulation of cervix, or cervical stenosis. Such cases may make the transfer traumatic. Patients with such conditions will be given Hysteroscopy and trial transfer prior to the IVF series.

High Estrogen level: People with PCOD also face failures in IVF. Estrogen is a major sex hormone in women. The ovarian follicles secrete this hormone. High level of Estrogen cause poor ovarian reserve and response to fertility.

IVF failure may be improved by repeating attempts at IVF with some changes in protocols or methods.

Transfer of more number of embryos: Transferring more embryos may cause an increase in the risk of high order multiple pregnancies.

Blastocyst Transfer: It is a feasible procedure for improving the chance for IVF implantation. But, it may not be beneficial for all those who have failed in repeated IVF implantation.

Assisted Hatching: It can be considered as an uncertain method for failed IVF.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Donor Eggs or Donor Sperm Cococulture Methods etc. are also used in repeated IVF failures.

 Authored By Dr. Mangala Devi K R , MBBS, MS (OBG)

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